Friday 6 June 2014


Henna, scientifically known as lawsonia inermis, has been well known for a long time in the Muslim world. It is extensively grown in India and Sudan and is used mainly for cosmetic purposes. The henna plant is sometimes called the "Magic Plant" because it has a great healing effect. It contains many healing substances like tannine and other glue-like substances, with an anti-microbial and an anti-viral effect. Henna is natural, inexpensive and has no known sides effect when taken orally. It helps in foot pain
, treatment of wounds, burns, ulcer of the mouth, stomatitis, hot swellings, smallpox, leprosy in the early stages, jaundice, cracking of nails, pimples, blisters, skin pustules between the legs, vision and hair growth. Henna increases youthfulness, augments sexual drive (aphrodisiac) and prevents moths in clothing. It also has anti viral and anti hemorrhage properties.
General application 
Henna in paste or powder form.
Applying henna paste (powdered henna mixed with a little water) to 1st or 2nd degree burns reduce the pain. Fluid loss from the burn site has an anti-microbial effect and so reduces the risk of infection. Henna also sticks on the wound site until healing is complete.
Wound, ulcer
Henna in paste or powdered form promotes wound healing especially chronic wounds and ulcers. Apply locally.
Anti hemorrhage
One dose of henna is generally sufficient for nose bleeding (epistaxis) providing a long-lasting cure. Better than cauterization which may cause recurrence but the only side effect of henna here is that it can cause slight sneezing. Henna can be used at other sites like a bleeding duodenal ulcer or oesophagal varicose veins with no known side effects.
Anti viral
Treats warts and herpes simplex (applied as a powder it dries the vesicles at the site, prevents ulceration and crust formation and prevents secondary infection). It can also be used to treat AIDS.
Hair dye
Add olive oil to henna to soften and condition, hot Hibiscus tea to enrich red tones, hot strong Black tea to bring out golden lights & drab down red-orange tones. Onion or Lemon juice works well with neutral henna to brighten and Apple cider vinegar will help fix color on gray hair.
Sore throat
Soak henna leaves in water and use as a gargle.

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